The JAIN organization and expert committee
The JAIN organization, founded in February 2019 and transformed into the non-profit Foundation JAIN with ANBI status in January 2023 under the leadership of a renowned board, utilizes esteemed experts and institutions collaborating globally as a continuously learning organization.
The JAIN Expert Committee consists of leading experts contributing to enhancing the autonomy and quality of life for individuals with dementia. Business experts develop products to meet the needs of those with dementia and make healthcare more affordable.
At JAIN, we prioritize quality of life, self-reliance, and social participation for vulnerable individuals. That’s why people with dementia are actively involved in the JAIN Foundation, ensuring that we fully address their needs and wishes. A noteworthy fact is that Gerda Van Tongerloo is part of the international expert committee.
JAIN conducts multidisciplinary projects, such as "QoLEAD," "SPREAD+" and "DEMPACT' in collaboration with end-users, healthcare institutions, universities, and governments. The organization values lateral knowledge exchange and aims to swiftly translate scientific insights into innovative products.
The Political Administrative Advisory Group focuses on policy matters, including efficiently organizing healthcare processes and ensuring quality care for the elderly. JAIN collaborates closely with prominent institutions, including Alzheimer Nederland, INTERDEM, Topcare, and TNO, as further described below.
National Knowledge Expert Committee
The committee of experts is a composed group of leading, independent experts who make a valued contribution from their own discipline to improving the autonomy, self-reliance, quality of life of people with dementia and the optimization of care provision.
Business Experts from companies, healthcare institutions, government, and science together develop dedicated products that meet the demands of people living with dementia, reduce the demand for care, and improve the affordability of care.
JAIN's multidisciplinary projects, for example "QoLEAD" which has been designed by JAIN, are developed in the form of private-public collaboration projects, involving end users, people with memory loss and the system in which they participate; informal care, healthcare institutions, universities, high schools and the government to develop products that meet the needs of end users.
JAIN considers lateral knowledge exchange between the Dutch leading R&D projects ABOARD, YOD, SPREAD+ and QoLEAD important, see page Dutch R&D projects. JAIN would like to ensure that scientific insights from these projects land in the robust learning JAIN network of healthcare institutes, knowledge institutions, spin-offs, start-ups and scale-ups, government, health insurers and investment companies, so that they can be quickly translated into innovative products and services.
JAIN is supported by a knowledge committee in which well-known experts participate:
- Prof. dr. Erik Scherder, Klinische Neuropsychologie, University of Amsterdam
- Prof. dr. Dick Swaab, Emeritus professor of neurobiology, University of Amsterdam
- Gerda Van Tongerloo, diagnosed with Vascular Cognitive Disorder, actively contributes to the way in which AI can support 24/7 realtime people with dementia, loved ones and professionals
- Drs. Marco Blom, Scientif Director: Alzheimer Nederland
- Prof. dr. ir. Maarten Steinbuch, Control Systems Technology, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
- Prof. dr. Pieter Roelfsema, Cognitive Neuroscience of Brain Stimulation. VU-AMC, Director of the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience
- Dr. Ton Bakker, Psychogeriater / SO (MD, PhD), Director Foundation Science Balance, Hogeschool Rotterdam
- Prof. dr. Nick Ramsey, Hoogleraar Cognitive Neuroscience, UMC Utrecht
- Prof. dr. Tibor Bosse, Artificial Intelligence and Communication Science at Radboud University, Nijmegen
- Prof. dr. ir. Marcel van Gerven, Artificial Cognitive Systems and Principal Investigator in the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour
- Prof. dr. Rose-Marie Dröes, Emeritus professor of Psychiatry, Amsterdam University Medical Centers VUmc
- Prof. dr. Erik Buskens, Medical Technology Assessment. University Medical Center UMCG Groningen
- Prof. dr. Koen Hindriks, Faculty of Science, Artificial intelligence, University of Amsterdam
- Dr. Henk Herman Nap, Senior Advisor/Scientist Innovation & Research Vilans
- Prof.dr. Yolande Pijnenburg, Neurologist & Professor of Young-Onset Dementia / Medical Director Alzheimer Center Amsterdam/Co-Director Amsterdam Neuroscience, Amsterdam UMC
- Prof. dr. Anita Visser, Professor of Geriatric Dentistry, Faculty of Medical Sciences / UMCG, Groningen
- Prof. dr. Felix Janszen, Professor in Management of Technology and Innovation, Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) Biochemistry
- Prof. dr. Wijnand IJsselsteijn, Professor of Cognition and Affect in Human-Technology Interaction, Eindhoven University of Technology
- Dr. Franka Meiland, INTERDEM Board Member, Senior Researcher, Department of Elderly Care Medicine, Amsterdam UMC, loc VUmc
- Prof. dr. Marjolein de Vugt, Professor of Psychosocial Innovations in Dementia, Maastricht University
- Prof. dr. Lucas Noldus, Professor of Behavior, information technology and innovation, Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behavior, Radboud University, Nijmegen
- Prof. dr. Ellen Moors, Professor of Innovation and Sustainability, Utrecht University
- Prof. dr. Mirella Minkman, Professor Innovation of Organization and Governance of Integrated Care, Tilburg University/TIAS
- Prof. dr. Hilde Verbeek, Professor of Care Environment for Vulnerable Elderly, Maastricht University
- Prof. dr. Catholijn Jonker, Professor of Explainable Intelligence, Delft University of Technology
- Prof. dr. Mark Neerincx, Professor Human-Centered Computing, Delft University of Technology; Principal Scientist, TNO
- Dr. Dirk de Korne, Director Staff Care & Welfare, SVRZ Servicecentrum, Zeeland
- Prof. dr. Debby Gerritsen, Professor of Well-being of Long-term Care, Radboud Univ, Nijmegen
- Prof.dr. Wiesje van der Flier, Professor Determinants of Dementia, Scientific Director of Alzheimer Center Amsterdam at Amsterdam UMC – Vumc
- Prof. dr. Raymond Koopmans, Professor of Geriatric Medicine for Long-Term Care, Radboud Univ, Maastricht
- Prof. dr. Carel Meskers, Professor Rehablitation, Amsterdam UMC
- Prof.dr. Robbert Huijsman, Professor of Management and Organization of Care for the Elderly Erasmus University Rotterdam and the CEO Care Organization Geriant
- Prof. dr. Sytse Zuidema, Professor of Elderly Care Medicine And Dementia, Geriatrics & Gerontology, University Groningen
International Knowledge Expert Committee
- Prof. Arlene Astell, Director of the Dementia Aging Technology Engagement lab, University Health Network and University, Professor in Neurocognitive Disorders, University of Reading, Canada
- Prof. Manuel Franco, MD. PhD. Psychiatrist, Head of the Psychiatric Department of the Complejo Asistencial De Zamora, Spain
- Prof. dr Fransisco J. Perales Lopez, Professor Artificial Intelligence, Social Robotics and Computer Science. University of the Balearic Islands, Spain.
- Dr. Alfonso Bahillo, Information Technology and Telecommunications. University of Deusto, Spain.
- Prof. Maurice Mulvenna, Professor of Computer Science. Ulster Universiteit, United Kingdom
- Prof. Yeh-Liang Hsu, PhD, Distinguished Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department
Director, Gerontechnology Research Center, Yuan Ze University, Taiwan - Prof. Sergey Saveliev, Professor of Theoretical Physics, AI and Cognitive Technologies, Associate Dean Research and Innovation, Loughborough University,United Kingdom.
- Dr. Shirley Evans, PhD M Ed BSc (Hons) PGCE FHEA CMAL, Director of the Association for Dementia Studies, University of Worcester, United Kingdom
- Prof. Charles Scerri, Professor of Dementia Studies, Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine & Surgery, University of Malta
- Prof. Elaine Fernades Mateus, Chairman Febraz, Federação Braslileira das Associações de Alzheimer, Professor De Londrina State University, Brasil
- Prof. Walter Teixeira Lima Junior, Phd, Professor of Science and Technology in the Institute of Science and Technology at the Federal University of São Paulo (Unifesp), Researcher of Artificial Cognitive Systems Group at the Unifesp, Brasil
- Eduardo Giacomazzie, Fieldlab JAIN Brazil, Business Development Advisor, Head of Innovation at Laços Saúde. Deputy director at Health Committee at FIESP Federation Industry of São Paulo State,Brasil
- Prof. Nelson Alves, PhD, Universidade Federal da Paraíba | UFPB · Departamento de Psicologia, Brasil
- Prof. Eanes Pereira, PhD, Adjunct Professor at Federal University of Campina Grande Laboratory Coordinator at LIAD (Laboratório de Inteligência Artificial e Arquiteturas Dedicadas) Brasil
- Prof. dr. ir. Jie Hui Jiang, Phd, Shanghai University | SHU · Biomedical Engineering, PET/MRI imaging processing and analysis, Brain network analysis, Artificial Intelligence on imaging analysis, China
Political Administrative Advisory Group JAIN
JAIN’s Political and Administrative Advisory Group is made up of directors from renowned healthcare institutions. This sounding board group studies political-administrative topics in the field of care-related business processes between politics, policy, society and the implementation of regulations and is supported in this by the scientific committee JAIN.
The advisory group develops visions and strategies, for example on the following points of attention:
By means of thorough problem analyses, this administrative committee sees the common flow within healthcare. This allows the committee to give direction to JAIN projects.
The following individuals participate in the JAIN Political Administrative Advisory Group:
JAIN is realized in close cooperation with: